has का प्रयोग कब होता है - Has ka Hindi meaning
हेलो दोस्तों में अनिल कुमार पलाशिया आज फिर आपके लिए एक महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी को आपके लिए लेकर आ रहा हु इस लेख में हम आपको अंग्रेजी में किस प्रकार से has का प्रयोग कब होता है - Has ka Hindi meaning से प्रयोग किया जाता है उससे सम्बंधित जानकारी को हम इस लेखमे देखेंगे जिससे आपको यह लेख बहुत ही अच्छे से समझ में आजायेगा .
has का प्रयोग - use of has
Has का प्रयोग हम पास या नजदीक के लिए कर सकते है इसका मतलब कोई आपके पास है कोई आपके नजदीक है उसको बताने के लिए हम has का प्रयोग करते है
Has का प्रयोग -
He - उसके पास
She उसके पास
Name नाम के पास
Subject + has + a / an + noun .
He / she के साथ
1;- he has a pen उसके पास पेन है
2;- he has not a pen उसके पास पेन नहीं है
3;- has he a pen ? क्या उसके पास पेन है
4;- has he not a pen ? क्या उसके पास पेन नहीं है ?
5;- what has he a pen ? उसके पास क्या पेन है ?
Name के साथ
1 ;- राम के पास पुस्तक है Ram has a book
2;- राम के पास पुस्तक नहीं है Ram does not have a book
3;- क्या राम के पास पुस्तक है ? Does Ram have a book?
4;- क्या राम के पास पुस्तक नहीं है Does Ram not have a book
5;- राम के पास क्या पेन है ? Does Ram have a pen?
Example ;-
He has breakfast
He has a ball
He has hair
He has TV
He has a mobile
He has a computer
He has food
He has a table
He has a chair
He has shoes
He has a house
He has a room
He has a job
He has water
He has a glass
He has a door
He has a tree
He has a window
He has a path
He has a photo
He has a cooler
He has a fan
He has a cupboard
He has a watch
He has a son
He has a job
He has a wire
He has a story
He has a poem
He has directions
He has a question
He has an answer
He has vegetables
He has counting
He has a teacher
He has children
He has a station
He has a player
Name के साथ प्रयोग
Radha has work
Radha has a friend
Radha has a TV
Radha has a computer
Radha has water
Radha has a star
Radha has a glass
Radha has a cooler
Radha has a roof
Radha has a room
Radha has a bed
Radha has a bucket
Radha has a mat
Radha has a brother
Radha has a sister
Radha has a son
Radha has a father
Radha has a friend
Radha has a teacher
Radha has a door
Radha has a temple
Radha has a hill
Radha has a river
Radha has a field
Radha has a fan
Radha has tongs
Radha has wire
दोस्तों इस लेख में हमने आपको आपके लिए has का प्रयोग बहुत ही सरल तरीके से करतके बताया है जिससे के आपको यह लेख और has का प्रयोग कब होता है - Has ka Hindi meaning has meaning in hindi with example has meaning in english has meaning in hindi and english has का अर्थ से सम्बंधित जानकारी को इस लेख में देखेंगे